Thursday 13 February 2014

a letter to my unborn daughter.... part 1

To think I'm writing this, in 2014 who knows when I'm going to meet you, most importantly when will you be old enough to understand the messages in this letter from your mother.
Whilst I'm overly busy making my own mistakes, know that by the time I call you my own I promise to have it the best of my ability.

I make it a promise to;

  • Be your mother not your friend
During your lifetime you will come across more than enough friends, they will come and they will go, and that's what sets me apart, because I will be there when the going gets tough. Don't get it twisted now I'm gonna be your best friend but my job goes beyond the friendship we will share, the determination to keep you safe from harm from the moment you were in my belly will forever be alive.

  • To be your rock
The world is a harsh place at times, and you can always count on my shoulder to cry on when it gets too much. Best believe I will bust a cap in somebody's lip if they hurt MY baby, but baby girl as you grow older and the problems become bigger than "he stole my favourite pencil" I will grow out of strength but you can rely on me for the best advice, you may not like it at times, heck you'll probably dislike me for it but I refuse to sugar coat it for you as much as that may hurt me.

  • Always be truthful with you
"The truth will set you free" never underestimate the truth behind that quote. I can't say I love you but then lie to you. That is hypocritical! It will hurt at times but that's life the truth will knock you down but it will set you free. I will teach you to also be truthful and if I don't teach you anything but you remember to always tell the truth and love hard then my job is done.

  • Love you madly,deeply, unconditionally.
I will be your greatest support, through your every plans and dreams but my love will warn you when these plans lead down an unrighteous path. Hopefully as you grow and mature into the beautiful woman I pray you become,  you will portray to the world this love that will have wrapped you up your whole life.......


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