Friday 3 July 2015

New Age Love Laws

You know that new relationship feeling, when everything is candles, flowers, roses and unicorns? I call that danger zone! That's when your judgement is clouded, control that unicorn doing somersaults inside your stomach. There is no golden medal for highest jump. It's all fine and well when you're getting to know the person and you like the idea of them, and you see potential. Lol some aunties have even already started planning their wedding by date 3!
Aunty please steady yourself.

That person you first met, him there taking you on dates, talks to you every minute of everyday, pouring into your eardrums every bit of sweet recycled honey-(yes recycled! Coz he's probably Used those same lines on his last chick) - yes him boo boo kitty he is not the man that will come pick you up when you've finished shoki'ing with your girlfriends until dawn breaks, and your false lashes are hanging for dear life. To be honest if he is you are a lucky chicka. That person we first talk to and begin to fall for is nothing but a mere illusion, as women we see what we want to see. We focus on the things about this guy that ticks in our very losing list of requirements.

"Ooh girl, 
  1. He can dress 
  2. He drives--- an AUDI? That's that double tick!!! Matter of fact 3!!!
  3. He pays when we go out
  4. He knows when and how to compliment me
  5. Lets not forget he is 6ft plus!"
Aunty please steady yourself!

Will his dress sense raise your children?
Will his car drive you him and your children into the gates of heaven? (Probably a rental anyway!)
Can you not pay for yourself? What if his money now suddenly disappear, where will you turn?
Will compliments feed your offsprings? Nkechi and Amaka will need school supplies remember! 
He is 6ft but does he pray? Does his height allow him to be closer to God?
What of the things that really matter? Patience, ambition, focus, faithfulness...etc.
Train your mind and your eyes to open themselves to the things past surface, only then will you be able to recognise the true potential of the man you are getting to know.
And please if the real purpose of getting to know this person is to eventually build a foundation that may eventually lead to a committed relationship, please sisters delay sex! And brothers please do not tempt her. She is human after all. Hmmm wonder how often we hear this....... But it is the truth because sex clouds judgement of who that person really is and then six months down the line when you already don' bussed it wide open you wonder if you really like this friend GERRARA HEA! On a serious note if that early part of the "getting to know you stage" is not done properly, it's going to be nothing but a train wreck from there onwards. It's sad because this is the generation we're part of, we have no patience for the better things, and commitment is disesteemed. Reason why sexationship, and situationships exist. Because women are scared to voice their want of commitment, and then end up in these situationships in which majority of the time works in favour of the man. Later on one person will grow attached or "catch feelings" and then there's an issue because wait hold on, that wasn't the arrangement. Now I cannot judge or speak for the ladies/men who both want nothing more than to satisfy their ermmm...."needs" but I speak for those who think like me and do not believe in just "being casual" because we believe there is something just so eternally beautiful about two people wanting and yearning for the other. Just imagine it that person, wants you, nobody else, you are their first thought in the morning, and their last thought at night, your well-being and happiness is what they strive for. Just picture it. Yes I do live in my own bubble and I do believe that that sort of love exists.

On a lighter note so ermmmm Bruce Jenner is now Caitlin Jenner....... And Kim k. Is carrying another sprog for the love of human sanity CBA with another kardashian/West in this world that shxt is so jarring!!!!! Don't get me wrong little satellite navigator is cute but lawwwddd can we just breathe!
Wonder how they explained that one to the lil compass,

"Hey south-west, you don't have a grandad anymore, meet your second grandma"