Friday 5 December 2014

This man of mine

Let me tell you about this man of mine...

He radiates masculinity! His head full of hair slides down the sides of his near perfect face and meets that oh so defined jawline. So you know our kids head gon' be full right?  He talks about the future with me because he sure knows what he wants from tomorrow, and, and, and he assures me every damn time that as long as I'm by HIS side.....that's the beginning of forever. He's not uncomfortable planning our tomorrow, oh no! and neither is he nervous to share his fears with me, coz he knows any good man needs the support of a good woman! 
He's not so busy trying to be successful, that he forgets to spend time with me, coz he knows every successful man needs a place to rest his head every now and again.

Mornings without fail he finds different ways to remind me that his world wouldn't be the same without ME! Hell, my world would come crashing down like total decimation.
Oh no he doesn't just talk he communicates, and the very words he utters from his lips....are pure ardour. I find myself holding my head up with one hand when he talks because I'm soooooo drawn in to every word he speaks, but mostly I'm staring at his lips and wondering "what those lips do though".
I crave him from the sole of his feet to the crown of his head right on through to his soul. 
Damn this man can get on my nervesssss! But you know it never lasts, cos' he'll put those lips on me oh so forcefully, I have no choice but to melt right back into his arms where he wants me.
He never thinks twice about apologising when he's in the wrong or humbling himself when we disagree, for he knows the mere essence of our bond and friendship holds more importance than his pride.

Now let's see how do I describe how he makes me feel....he makes me feel like for once in my life I don't have to try so hard to be happy, it just happens. I remember the first time he leaned in to kiss me I could swear no force of nature on earth or otherwise could stop the trembling in my heart and the butterflies in my stomach. Now imagine that.....every minute of everyday, 365 days a year! Yeah that's how he makes me feel. 
See now I don't kiss and tell but this lover of mine, is thorough. His every kiss, touch and caress is strategically placed. From the way he grips my hair when we get into it, the way he bites my neck, the way he latches onto my thighs to the way he hair! In that moment I surrender all control and render myself helpless, purposefully.
I could carry on but as I said I don't kiss and tell. So for the kindness is his smile, the warmth in his arms, the love in his heart and the passion in his soul.... He is MY man.


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