Wednesday 7 August 2013

Controversial blogger...

So earlier today I stumbled across a blog post titled "why I don't sleep with white guys" hmmmmmmmm...... See now I'm not sure how I feel about this as a young black woman because if you read into the post you pick up why she feels what she feels and her reasons as to why white guys are not of her preference. Her reasons are based entirely on the fact the she lives in a predominantly what you might call a "white city". The blogger who is actually mixed race talks about the fact that she feels uncomfortable being seen as the "dark meat" that the white guys in her town want to get their teeth into. *sigh.... See personally I don't think it's all that deep. AT ALL!!!! I mean where are these white guys that view black women as an "object of desire". Now hold on UP!! I am in NO WAY in favour of men regardless of colour objectifying women in anyway, but seriously where are these men white men hiding???
Regardless of the fact that white men have never really been on my radar, I've never actually dated a white actually scratch that a white brother has NEVER let me repeat NEVER approached me because he liked what he saw. For directions definitely *chuckles*

Personal experience: right so I was on a Uni trip to Switzerland earlier this year (February to be precise, freezing HELL LITERALLY!!!!) so as students do we played some truth or dare games. Long story short my turn came and  this white guy -(who for the record I think may have had a thing for me ;) maybe he had what I like to call JUNGLE FEVER) *chuckles* (think hard you'll get it ;) )-asked me the ultimate question "mabelle have you ever slept with a white guy" (baring in mind I'm the only black girl in the group this question was actually inevitable) now I wasn't exactly shocked per say but that question did take me back a bit. Thought about it and something clicked...not enough white guys can "step up" to a black girl. I mean I'd be slightly scared too! Come on the stereotype that is put against us black girls does paint a very scary picture. I'd like to consider myself "non-stereotypical" I mean we dress how we feel right and act in ways that invite people in rather than scare them off.
Its fair to say my circle of friends doesn't include white people and thats not by choice at all. Now compare me to my sister who has friends of all colours, ow look shes happily married to a white man.
Exposing yourself to different cultures and colours does have its advantages, but personally I have found that only black people "get me" does anyone else feel this??????

See i dont mind what colour you are as long as you treat me right, put it down good and put me back in my place when im out of it.(ow please each to their own dont judge me) well on that note love peace and all that good stuff.
Live Love Laugh x

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